EnActe School of Drama is the educational arm of the renowned Bay Area theatre company EnActe Arts, Inc., an organization dedicated to global storytelling and diverse voices. The School of Drama has students of all ages, catering to its clientele with drama-based holistic education suitable for children, youth, adults, and even industry professionals. The primary philosophy of the School of Drama is that the skills provided by film and theatre arts are applicable, practical, and integral to the development of any career in any field. We have been successful in a constantly changing climate (even through challenges such as COVID-19), because what drama teaches most is self-thought, adaptability, resourcefulness and all attributes of social competence including presentation, perception and persuasion. We teach more than drama; we teach a new way of thinking to radically shift the way we think about the correlation between art and technology.
Currently the Enacte School of Drama only offers classes through our partnered school programs. We hope to launch further offerings mid 2023. If you are apart of a school and would like to bring Enacte School of Drama to your campus, contact us. We will update when we have further offerings available.
Our School Partners
EnActe School of Drama Team
Communications Manager / Video Editor at EnActe School of Drama
Joel Moore (He/Him/His)
EnActe's Teachers
Nancy Frank (she/her)
Atika Shah (she/her)